Privacy Policy and Website Terms & Conditions

Informed Insurance Pty Ltd (ABN: 63 658 573 454) is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Midland Insurance Brokers Australia Pty Ltd (ABN: 81 006 528 329) (AFSL 238963).

Informed Insurance Pty Ltd provide services authorised under the Australian Financial Services License holder - Midland Insurance Brokers Australia Pty Ltd

Mail: P.O Box 404, Carlton VIC 3053

Office: Level 2, 200 Lygon Street, Carlton Vic 3053

P: 03 9349 2733

P: 1300 306 571


At Informed Insurance, we are committed to protecting your privacy in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles. This Privacy Policy describes our current policies and practices in relation to the collection, handling, use and disclosure of personal information. It also deals with how you can complain about a breach of the privacy laws and how you can access the personal information we hold and how to have that information corrected.

What information do we collect and how do we use it?

When we arrange insurance on your behalf, we ask you for the information we need to advise you about your insurance needs and management of your risks.  This can include a broad range of information ranging from your name, address, contact details, age to other information about your personal affairs including your assets, personal belongings, financial situation, health and wellbeing. We provide any information that the insurers or intermediaries who we ask to quote for your insurances and premium funding require to enable them to decide whether to insure you and on what terms or to fund your premium and on what terms. 

Insurers may in turn pass on this information to their reinsurers. Some of these companies are located outside Australia. For example, if we seek insurance terms from an overseas insurer (e.g. Lloyd’s of London), your personal information may be disclosed to the insurer. If this is likely to happen, we inform you of where the insurer is located, if it is possible to do so.

When you make a claim under your policy, we assist you by collecting information about your claim. Sometimes we also need to collect information about you from others.  We provide this information to your insurer (or anyone your insurer has appointed to assist it to consider your claim, eg loss adjusters, medical brokers etc) to enable it to consider your claim. 

From time to time, we will use your contact details to send you direct marketing communications including offers, updates and newsletters that are relevant to the services we provide. We always give you the option of electing not to receive these communications in the future. You can unsubscribe by notifying us and we will no longer send this information to you.

What if you don’t provide some information to us?

We can only fully advise you and assist in arranging your insurance or with a claim if we have all relevant information. The insurance laws also require you to provide your insurers with the information they need in order to be able to decide whether to insure you and on what terms. You have a duty to disclose the information which is relevant to the insurer’s decision to insure you.

When do we disclose your information overseas?

If you ask us to seek insurance terms and we recommend an overseas insurer, we may be required to disclose the information to the insurer located outside Australia. For example, if we recommend a policy provided by Lloyd’s of London, your information may be given to the Lloyd’s broker and underwriters at Lloyd’s of London to make a decision about whether to insure you. 

We will tell you at time of advising on your insurance if they are overseas and in which country the insurer is located. If the insurer is not regulated by laws which protects your information in a way that is similar to the Privacy Act, we will seek your consent before disclosing your information to that insurer.

Australian and overseas insurers acquire reinsurance from reinsurance companies that are located throughout the world so in some cases your information may be disclosed to them for assessment of risks and in order to provide reinsurance to your insurer. We do not make this disclosure.  This is made by the insurer (if necessary) for the placement for their reinsurance program.

We may also disclose information we collect to the providers of our policy administration and broking systems that help us to provide our products and services to you. These policy administration providers and broking systems may be supported and maintained by organisations outside of Australia, and your information may be disclosed to those organisations. Please note that the Privacy Act and Australian Privacy Principles may not apply to these organisations.

How do we hold and protect your information?

We strive to maintain the reliability, accuracy, completeness, and currency of the personal information we hold and to protect its privacy and security. We keep personal information only for as long as is reasonably necessary for the purpose for which it was collected or to comply with any applicable legal or ethical reporting or document retention requirements.

We hold the information we collect from you initially in a working file, which when completed is electronically imaged and stored.  After which any paper is destroyed in our onsite shredder. In some cases, your file may be archived and sent to an external data storage provider for a period of time. 

We take strict measures to ensure that your information is safe by protecting it from unauthorised access, modification, and disclosure. We maintain physical security over our paper and electronic data and premises, by using locks and security systems. We also maintain computer and network security; for example, we use firewalls (security measures for the Internet) and other security systems such as user identifiers and passwords to control access to computer systems where your information is stored.

Will we disclose the information we collect to anyone?

We do not sell, trade, or rent your personal information to others. 

We may need to provide your information to contractors who supply services to us, e.g. to handle mailings on our behalf, external data storage providers or to other companies in the event of a corporate sale, merger, re-organisation, dissolution, or similar event.  We may also disclose information we collect to the providers of our policy administration and broking systems that help us to provide our products and services to you.  However, we will take reasonable measures to ensure that they protect your information as required under the Privacy Act. 

We may provide your information to others if we are required to do so by law, you consent to the disclosure or under some unusual other circumstances which the Privacy Act permits.

How can you check, update, or change the information we are holding?

Upon receipt of your written request and sufficient information to allow us to identify the information, we will disclose to you the personal information we hold about you. We will also correct, amend, or delete any personal information that we agree is inaccurate, irrelevant, out of date or incomplete. 

If you wish to access or correct your personal information, please contact our office on the contact information provided above.

We do not charge for receiving a request for access to personal information or for complying with a correction request. Where the information requested is not a straightforward issue and will involve a considerable amount of time then a charge will need to be confirmed for responding to the request for the information.

In some limited cases, we may need to refuse access to your information or refuse a request for correction. We will advise you as soon as possible after your request if this is the case and the reasons for our refusal.

What happens if you want to complain?

We welcome your suggestions, compliments and complaints as an opportunity to improve our service.

If you have any complaints about the service provided to you, please give us the opportunity to put things right by contacting our office about your complaint in the first instance. We will do our best to resolve your complaint within 5 working days.

If we need to investigate your complaint and require further time, we will work with you to agree to an appropriate timeframe to investigate.  We will provide you with information concerning referring your complaint to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority if we cannot resolve your complaint. 

Your consent

By asking us to assist with your insurance needs, you consent to the collection and use of the information you have provided to us for the purposes described above.

Important Disclaimer

All content on this website summarises selected issues of interest to current or potential insurance buyers.

This website provides information rather than financial product or other advice. The content of this site, including any information contained on it, has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider the appropriateness of the information, taking these matters into account, before you act on any information. 

In particular, you should review the product disclosure statement for any product that the information relates to it before acquiring the product.

Professional advice should always be sought before any action is taken based on the content of this site.

The information provided on this site is general in nature only.

Information is current as at the date articles are written as specified within them but is subject to change. 

Informed Insurance Pty Ltd, its subsidiaries and its associates make no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of the information.

Any statements relating to the past may not occur in future.

Any case studies are shown for illustrative purposes only.

To the extent permitted by law, we make no representations about the suitability of the content of this site for any purpose. All content is provided without any warranty of any kind. We disclaim all warranties and conditions with regard to the content, including but not limited to all implied warranties and conditions of fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement. 

We will not be liable for any damages or injury caused by, including but not limited to, any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation of transmission, computer virus, or line failure. To the extent permitted by law we will not be liable for any damages or injury, including but not limited to, special or consequential damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use, the materials in this site.

We believe the content of this site to be accurate, complete and current, however there are no warranties as to the accuracy, completeness or currency of the content. It is your responsibility to verify any information before relying on it. The content of this site may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. 

We reserve the right to modify the content of this site from time to time.

Third party content

Information contained on this website may be obtained from a variety of third party sources. To our knowledge, the information provided is accurate. However, we have not verified all third party information.
Informed Insurance makes no representations and, to the extent permitted by law, excludes all warranties in relation to the information contained on this website.

This website may contain links to third party sites. Informed Insurance makes no warranties or representations:

  1. regarding the condition or the content of those sites; or
  1. regarding the quality, accuracy, merchantability or fitness for purpose of any information, products or services on those sites.

The links are provided solely for your convenience and do not indicate, expressly or impliedly, any endorsement or approval of the sites or the products or services provided on them.

Anonymous data – We use technology to collect anonymous information about the use of our website, for example when you browse our website our service provider may log your server address, the date and time of your visit, the pages and links accessed and the type of browser used. It does not identify you personally and we only use this information for statistical purposes and to improve the content and functionality of our website, to better understand our clients and markets and to improve our services.

Cookies – In order to collect this anonymous data we may use “cookies”.  Cookies are small pieces of information which are sent to your browser and stored on your computer’s hard drive. Sometimes they identify users where the website requires information to be retained from one page to the next. This is purely to increase the functionality of the site. Cookies by themselves cannot be used to discover the identity of the user. Cookies do not damage your computer and you can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie so that you can decide if you want to accept it. Once you leave the site, the cookie is destroyed and no personal or other information about you is stored. 

Forms - Our Website allows visitors to submit information via Self-Service forms (Claim Forms, Employment and Contact request).  The information submitted via the Forms is not encrypted – an option is available for claim forms to be provided in a PDF format.  Should you be concerned about confidentiality of the claim information, this would be the recommended method.

Information collected via on-line forms is sent to our offices via EMAIL (not encrypted) and is also stored on a database of Informed Insurance Pty Ltd and Midland Insurance Brokers Australia Pty Ltd ABN 81 006 528 329 AFSL 238963) which is accessible by staff only (password protected).

We also use your information to send you requested product information and promotional material and to enable us to manage your ongoing requirements, e.g. renewals, and our relationship with you, e.g. invoicing, client surveys etc. 

We may occasionally notify you direct marketing about new services and special offers, events or articles we think will be of interest to you. We may send you regular updates by email or by post on insurance matters. If you would rather not receive this information or do not wish to receive it electronically, email or write to us. 

We may use your information internally to help us improve our services and help resolve any problems.

Tell us what you think

We welcome your questions and comments. If you have any concerns or complaints, please contact our office.